Bethany's Flippin Blog

(my side of the story)

Monday, November 28, 2005

The worst Thanksgiving dinner ever

So there wasn't turkey, or stuffing but orange chicken and I don't know what! This year was a little different then most years. Usually we go to some sort of family’s house, but instead of that we went to the "Grand Buffet" which was the only thing open this holiday season. Also my brother flew out for the weekend and I didn't have the adequate supplies to make a gourmet spread anyway. Thanksgiving just can't be thrown together or in other words "half assed" (pardon my French and lack of other descriptive term) and if I had tried it would have been a not so climactic disaster. So I figured why go threw the hassle. But it prolly would have been better then what we did. I thought at least one nice restaurant would be open, but boy was I wrong. O well, may be next year.

One funny thing happened though. Blaine thought that it would be funny to put some soy sauce in Justin’s coke. He saw him do it and in fact added a few ingredients him self. Later he forgot that it was contaminated and took a huge swig. I laughed so hard and took a quick snap shot before the moment was over.

This is us taking a walk on the pier near our house.

This is my brother he likes to take pictures of himself.

This him pondering deep thing durring our short visit to Mexico.

And here he is clearly to sexy for his shirt.

Photo shoot

I love being a photographer, how could anyone not want a job that is so much fun! Here are some jpg's of the shoot.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

mine, mineminem mine...feeding the birds

So we had some stale bread and took it to the beach. They caught some in the air it was prity cool. We threw a whole slice to one and they went nuts! He coule barely get off the ground it was so heavy.

Finally I am a FRANGER!

Monday, November 14, 2005

My mom's visit

My mom came out to see me for my birthday! It was so much fun. This is a picture of us at the beach close to our apartment before we shopped till we dropped. She spoiled me way too much! It was enough just to have her here.

My b-day!

Well I am now 23! getten old huh. My wonderful husband made me a card as usual this year but, it was much different this time. Instead of pretty pictures of us and a emo attempt, he went with a theme. My favorite movie in the whole world, Napoleon Dynamite!

This is the front photo, it doesn't exactly follow the theme. I have no idea what he was thinking with that one,lol.

The Movies!

One thing Blaine and I have never done as friends, dating or in marriage is go to the movies. That sounds crazy because for most people that is one of the first dates you do. Well we have been together for almost 3 years and never gone! Last night was the end of a fun birthday weekend for me. And as a total impulsive move Blaine looked up some movie times and said "Zorro starts in 10 minutes, want to go?" So we did! And, it was so much fun we might do it again sometime!

Sunday, November 13, 2005


It may not look very good but believe it or not it was soooo good. I can't cook much but what I do cook sure is good.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Death Valley

Blaine and I love to take road trips. It has been a few months since we had gone anywhere and had a free weekend so we got in the car and drove. I had been to Death Valley once before and enjoyed it. Plus the landscape changes a bit during different seasons and I hadn’t been in the fall so I was excited. On the way home we stopped in one of both of our favorite places to camp, the Alabama Hills. The movie Tremors was filmed there among many others. It is right at the base of Mt. Whitney in a small town called Lone Pine and has a few miles of smooth rocks and boulder formations. You can't hear a single thing at night and the stars are amazing!
Death Valley is a good place to go as long as it’s not too hot. At the lowest point of the US there is not much but some salt and a thin layer of water only a few inches at this time of year.

Death Valley cont...

There are tons of ghost towns and random sites along the way. I love to take pictures of cool looking old stuff.

My job

This is Summer, I watch her and her brother and sister during the week. For a 4 month old she is as good as they come and as cute as can be. Her quirk is, if she can't find her fingers she can't fall asleep.