So there wasn't turkey, or stuffing but orange chicken and I don't know what! This year was a little different then most years. Usually we go to some sort of family’s house, but instead of that we went to the "Grand Buffet" which was the only thing open this holiday season. Also my brother flew out for the weekend and I didn't have the adequate supplies to make a gourmet spread anyway. Thanksgiving just can't be thrown together or in other words "half assed" (pardon my French and lack of other descriptive term) and if I had tried it would have been a not so climactic disaster. So I figured why go threw the hassle. But it prolly would have been better then what we did. I thought at least one nice restaurant would be open, but boy was I wrong. O well, may be next year.

One funny thing happened though. Blaine thought that it would be funny to put some soy sauce in Justin’s coke. He saw him do it and in fact added a few ingredients him self. Later he forgot that it was contaminated and took a huge swig. I laughed so hard and took a quick snap shot before the moment was over.

This is us taking a walk on the pier near our house.

This is my brother he likes to take pictures of himself.

This him pondering deep thing durring our short visit to Mexico.

And here he is clearly to sexy for his shirt.